Saturday, November 3, 2012

Video: With 4 days left in race, it?s all about Ohio

>> now. chuck, good morning to you.

>> reporter: the polls close in ohio in 108 hours and between now at 7:30 p.m . tuesday night when the polls close, i don't know if an hour is going to go by without one of the two candidates for president or two candidates for vice president trekking through at least one town somewhere in the buckeye state .

>> i'm counting on you to make sure we will win. we can't lose. let's go vote! let's get this done.

>> reporter: and the final chapter of the 2012 campaign has begun, and it's all come down to ohio which president obama and mitt romney will visit six separate times during the last days of this race. today president obama will spend the entire day in ohio but a look at the rest of his campaign schedule makes the buckeye state look like an airline hub for air force one with ohio stops every day through election day . for his part, mitt romney is not only focusing on ohio but hoping to win over wisconsin and looking to broaden the battleground map campaigning in pennsylvania on sunday and visiting new hampshire twice, the smallest swing state that may be edge in mr. romney 's direction. in these frenetic final days both candidates are sharpening their closing arguments to voters, mr. obama arguing for another four year.

>> after four years as president you know me by now. you may not agree with every decision i've made. you may be frustrated at the pace of change, but you know what i believe. you know where i stand.

>> reporter: mr. romney calling himself the agent of change.

>> this is no time for small measures. this is time for real change and when i'm elected president on day one we'll bring real change to america!

>> reporter: and as the hurricane sandy recovery effort continues, both candidates took time to mention the storm victims thursday.

>> no democrats or republicans during a storm. they are just fellow americans.

>> if you have a few extra dollars, send them along to the american red cross or to the salvation army or to other relief organizations, it can make a difference in the lives of our fellow citizens.

>> reporter: mr. romney was then interrupted by a protester.

>> what about climate, that's what brought this monster storm.

>> usa! usa.

>> reporter: in the center of the response, new york city mayor michael bloomberg also suggested climate change may have been responsible for the storm, and he endorsed president obama tweeting this november vote for a president who will lead on climate change . it is worth noting bloomberg did have tough words for the president saying mr. obama embrace addy vicive and, quote, populist agenda during his first term, and by the way, matt and savannah, today is the last day some outside event could interrupt the presidential race . it's the final jobs report before tuesday.

>> we'll be watching closely. chuck todd from washington. tom brokaw


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