Thursday, November 8, 2012

Know More about Stem Cell Treatment |

The stem cell treatment is to introduce new adult stem cells into damaged tissue to treat disease or injury. There are many medical researchers believing that stem cell therapy has the potential to change the face of human disease and alleviate suffering. It is said that the most dramatic medical technology of the 21st century is the stem cell research. Millions of people who suffer diabetes, Parkinson?s, Alzheimer?s, cancer, multiple sclerosis, Lou Gehrig?s Disease, spinal cord injuries, blindness, and HIV/AID are treated by stem cells. The stem cells are basic building blocks of the body with the ability to copy themselves for an Infinite time and to grow into all of the body?s different cell types.

American researchers have discovered that the stem cells from the strangers can treat the heart damage, which considered as a safe, effective, and equally efficient treatment. This means that perhaps the stem cell?s bank is built, which can restore many stem cells when they need anytime. These researchers move the stem cells into the area of heart damage of the patients through the conduit to treat it. Consequently, some time later, the conditions of these patients have been improved. The stem cells can form into new heart cells, which is one of the treatments. The stem cell?s bank can save time and reduce the pains of the patients.

Stem cell treatments can save those patients? lives successfully and have been used widely in some diseases such as leukemia. What is more, the stem cell research perhaps saves millions of lives and improves the quality-of-life for millions more. The medical scientists focus on a wide range of stem cell-based therapies; and they create tissue patches for burn victims. We can say that stem cell treatment developing breakthrough cures and offering New Hope for human beings. Many countries support research the stem cells.

Stem cells are considered as the trusted source for critical of emerging hypotheses and novel findings. Due to advantages of stem cells treatment stem, cells of all tissue types and their potential therapeutic applications are concerned by medical researchers. The coverages of stem cells are extensive, including embryogenesis and adult counterparts of this process, physical processes linking stem cell, primary cell function, and structural development. In recent years, the America considered stem cell treatment as part of clinical trials. The stem cell treatment can be used to treat brain damage, cancer, spinal cord injury, Hematopoiesis, Baldness and Wound healing and so on. It plays an important role in the life of human beings and will reduce the pains from the patients, which make them live normal lives.

Resource From: stem cell treatment and Left Ventricular Assist Device


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